Free SEO Audit for Your Website

Our free SEO audit provides a comprehensive analysis of your website’s search engine optimisation performance. We examine key elements like on-page SEO, backlinks, social media presence, performance, usability, and security. Our audit identifies areas for improvement and offers actionable recommendations to boost your website’s visibility, user experience, and overall performance.

Take the first step towards better search engine rankings with our professional SEO audit service.

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Enter the URL of your homepage, or any page on your site to get a report of how it performs in about 30 seconds.

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit is a comprehensive analysis of various elements of your website, aiming to identify opportunities for improvement in search engine optimisation. This audit covers on-page SEO, off-page SEO, social presence, performance, usability, and security.

On-Page SEO

We look at your website's content, keywords, meta descriptions, and HTML tags to ensure they are optimised for search engines.

Off-Page SEO

We evaluate the number and quality of other websites linking to yours, which affects your site's credibility and ranking.

Social Media Presence

We review how well your website is integrated with social media platforms and how active your profiles are.


We measure how quickly your website loads and how smoothly it runs for visitors, ensuring a fast and efficient experience.


We check how easy and enjoyable your website is to use on different devices, such as phones, tablets, and computers.


We ensure your site is safe by checking for SSL certificates and other security measures to protect your visitors' data.

Key Features of Our SEO Audit Tool

Your comprehensive report will give you a clear picture of your website’s current SEO status and provide actionable recommendations to enhance its performance and search engine ranking. Your free SEO audit report will include:

On-Page SEO Analysis

On-Page SEO Analysis

Detailed Content and Metadata Review: Analyse key on-page factors such as content, keywords, and HTML tags that are critical for search engine visibility and user engagement.

Title Tags

Ensuring your title tags are optimised for relevant keywords and the correct length. Title tags help search engines understand your content and improve your ranking.

Checking for the presence and quality of meta descriptions. Meta descriptions provide a summary of your page content and are crucial for click-through rates from search results.

Evaluating the proper use of H1, H2, and other header tags. Proper use of header tags helps organise your content and signals its importance to search engines.

Ensuring your main keywords are used effectively throughout your site. Consistent keyword usage in titles, meta descriptions, and content improves search engine visibility.

Checking if all images have appropriate alt attributes. Alt attributes describe images to search engines and improve accessibility and image search rankings.

Off-Page SEO Evaluation

Authority and Backlink Profile Analysis: Evaluate external SEO factors like backlinks and domain authority which influence your site’s reputation and search rankings.

Backlink Profile

Analysing the quantity and quality of backlinks to your site. A strong backlink profile enhances your site’s authority and search engine ranking.

Identifying the domains that link to your site. The diversity and relevance of referring domains impact your site’s credibility and SEO performance.

Reviewing the text used in backlinks for relevance and keyword inclusion. Proper anchor text improves the context and value of backlinks for search engines.

Off-Page SEO Evaluation

Performance Assessment

Website Speed and Efficiency Insights: Focus on technical performance metrics that impact user experience and SEO, such as site speed and optimisation techniques.

Page Load Speed

Measuring the time it takes for your site to load. Faster page load speeds improve user experience and reduce bounce rates, benefiting SEO.

Checking if your website uses Gzip, Deflate, or Brotli compression. Efficient compression reduces file sizes and enhances page load performance.

Evaluating if your images are properly compressed and formatted. Optimised images load faster, improving overall site performance and user experience.

Usability Testing

Cross-Device Usability Analysis: Assess how well your website performs across various devices, ensuring a seamless user experience that supports retention and engagement.

Device Compatibility

Ensuring your website is accessible and functional on all devices. Good device compatibility increases your site’s usability across mobile, tablet, and desktop.

Checking Google’s Core Web Vitals for user experience metrics. These metrics focus on load time, interactivity, and visual stability, essential for a positive user experience.

Verifying that your site adjusts well to different screen sizes. Responsive design ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience on any device.

Usability Testing
Social Media Integration

Social Media Integration

Social Presence and Engagement Evaluation: Review and enhance your social media strategy to increase engagement, visibility, and direct traffic to your website.

Social Profiles

Ensuring all your social media profiles are linked and visible on your site. Proper linking enhances your social presence and drives traffic from social platforms.

Checking for Facebook Open Graph tags and Twitter Cards. These tags control how your content appears when shared on social media, improving engagement.

Evaluating the level of activity and engagement on your social profiles. Active social media profiles boost brand awareness and drive traffic to your site.

Security Check

Security and Data Protection Verification: Ensure your website’s security protocols are up to date, protecting user data and improving site trustworthiness.

SSL Certificate

Verifying that your website uses SSL to encrypt data. SSL certificates secure data transfer, protecting user information and improving trustworthiness.

Checking for basic security measures to protect your site and users. Implementing security best practices prevents vulnerabilities and ensures user safety.

Security Check

Take the First Step Towards a Better Website

Unlock the full potential of your website with our comprehensive, no-cost SEO audit. Our detailed analysis will help you identify key areas for improvement and provide actionable recommendations to boost your search engine rankings, enhance user experience, and increase overall performance. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to improve your website’s visibility and effectiveness.


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